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Universität Hamburg


Universität Hamburg has one of the strongest research profiles among German universities. As part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments, the university successfully secured four clusters of excellence in 2019: “CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter”, “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society / CliCCS”, “Understanding Written Artefacts” and “Quantum Universe” are not just about excellent research; transfer also plays a major role. The university was also awarded the status of “University of Excellence” for its “Flagship University” concept. Almost 44,000 people study here on around 200 degree courses in eight faculties.

To research

To teach

To educate

The university is not just an academic centre, it also enhances the city with attractive offerings. These include formats such as “Kinderuni” for children or “Wissen vom Fass” (knowledge on tap) as well as numerous lifelong learning opportunities. The university also maintains around 40 collections, which are not only immensely significant for research and teaching but in some cases also offer the public insights into academic diversity. A key concern of the university is the promotion of knowledge and technology transfer, and so it supports the cooperation between research, politics, business and society by participating in transfer bodies such as “Hamburg Innovation”. As was the case 100 years ago, this is rooted in the university’s motto:
“To research, to teach, to educate”.

Universität Hamburg

Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg




the UHH

Together with UHH, we want to have a profound impact on society – and we are not only thinking of technology, but especially insights from the socio-cultural and other humanities fields. The outstanding research at Hamburg’s University of Excellence opens up opportunities that span all academic disciplines. Working with UHH, transfer can always be structured in a variety of ways and constantly rethought.