


HafenCity University Hamburg



The current and future social challenges in cities and metropolitan regions demand new academic perspectives. As a university of the built environment and metropolitan development, HCU has a unique profile: it combines all aspects of building and urban development in design and drafting, engineering and natural sciences as well as humanities and social sciences under one roof. The researchers at HCU Hamburg have a high level of expertise in their own subject areas, while at the same time systematically crossing disciplinary boundaries and entering into a wide range of collaborations. Expertise in one’s own discipline with simultaneous openness to neighbouring disciplines is already taught during studies. In this way, HCU Hamburg develops innovative solutions in research and teaching so that our built environment can develop in a liveable and sustainable way today and in the future.

university of the built environment and

metropolitan development

The HCU thus offers the entire range of disciplines required for understanding and designing the urban environment: architecture, civil engineering, geodesy and geomatics, and urban planning each as a Bachelor’s programme with a consecutive Master’s programme; metropolitan culture as a Bachelor’s programme; urban design and resource efficiency in architecture and planning (REAP) as an interdisciplinary Master’s degree. A cross-curricular programme complements the curriculum of the individual study programmes at HCU.

HafenCity University Hamburg
Überseeallee 16
20457 Hamburg




die HCU

Together with the HCU, we want to address the challenges of society within the urban environment: implementing projects related to sustainable and smart urban development is as much on the agenda as including the city’s population through citizen science projects. In addition, the CityScienceLab at HCU enables the investigation of urban development in the context of digitalisation – opening up countless opportunities for cooperation and exploring new approaches.